Cast of Characters

Here's where you'll find a "who's who" of the folks who are on this fertility journey with me. The list will probably grow over time as the journey goes on, but if you're a new reader this is a great place to figure out who in the heck I'm talking about.

Fertility Lost : I'm your tour guide on this journey. I'm a woman in her 30s. I have hobbies other than tracking my ovulation - these include reading, crafts, cooking, gardening and just generally being domestic.

Mr. Lost : My husband, also aged 30-something. Mr. Lost does not share in my obsession for fertility fact-finding, but that's OK. One obsessed person is enough for any household.

The Fur Children : While waiting to be blessed with human children, we practice our parenting skills on our fur children. We have two cats, Grey Ghost and Slinker, and a dog, Smiley. Grey Ghost loves to watch the birds and squirrels scamper around the yard, while Slinker is plotting to kill us in our sleep. Smiley is the happiest dog you'll ever meet and loves to excitedly greet Mr. Lost every day when he comes home from work, much to Mr. Lost's chagrin.

Dr. M. : Current gynecologist. Hopefully one day she'll also be our obstetrician, but we have to find my fertility first.

Dr. G. : Soon to be our reproductive endocrinologist. First appointment is coming up in a little over a month. We're hoping that she has some kind of secret map that will help us find my fertility.

The Outlaws : Mr. Lost's parents. They are in the dark about the fertility journey. Thankfully, they have not asked the Big Question (When are you having kids?) in the 8+ years that Mr. Lost and I have been married. We are not in any hurry to tell them about the journey. I think we both are assuming that we'll just know when it's time to let them in on it. Frankly, they are the last people I want all up in my uterine and ovarian business. I will tell complete strangers what is going on with my cycle before I tell them.... which I'm sure you've already gathered, since I have this nice little blog all set up.

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The Only Rule : Be kind.

We're each on our own journeys through life, and there is already enough negativity in this world. This little space on the web is meant to be warm, welcoming and friendly. I will take measures to govern the comments if things seem to be getting out of hand. If you follow The Only Rule, we'll all get along just fine :)