About this Blog

As I'm sure you've gathered by now, this is where I'll be tracking the journey to find my fertility. Oh sure, I could have said "journey through infertility," but I'm trying to stay positive. I'm not convinced that I am truly "infertile" - it's just that we haven't yet found the proper key to unlock my fertility and make my body work the way that it's supposed to. Is that nit-picking? Perhaps. But it's my journey to walk. I will only consider myself to be truly infertile when the last method has been exhausted.

I set this blog up for a number of reasons.

  • I wanted a place where I could keep track of the timeline of events as this journey progresses. There have already been times when I've been all, "Did I start seeing Dr. H in 2004 or 2006?" so I figured it was a good idea to write some of this stuff down. 
  • Related to that, I want to be able to keep track of what we've tried, what results we got, what the side effects were, etc. If this journey continues on for too much longer, there's going to be too much of this sort of information for me to just keep track of it all in my head. 
  • I also want to help others. Difficulty in conceiving a baby and infertility are almost taboo subjects. People will talk about how their pregnancy is going, how the cancer treatments are going, how their divorce is proceeding - but very few people will talk about how the "trying to start a family" thing is going. I'm not perfect in this, by any means - Mr. Lost's parents have no idea about any of this, and not all of my family and friends are completely aware - but as I travel this journey, my voice gets stronger and louder. I want women to know that they are not alone in this journey. 
I'm a person who considers all the details of a situation. This includes the format of my blog. Since this is truly a journey with many twists and turns, I thought a map might be an appropriate background image. It's too bad there isn't an actual map we can follow on this journey. We're actually in the midst of something that can really only be considered a flow chart - if Option A doesn't work, go to Option B - but a flow chart would be much less attractive to look at as the background to a blog ;) 

As for the coloring, you may have noticed that it's a nice shade of teal. In terms of awareness ribbons, the colors for infertility are blue and pink. That kind of makes sense, right? And certainly the overall problem in the Lost household is the case of my missing fertility. However, it seems that the primary cause for our baby-making problems (or at least the cause that we know about so far...) is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS. The awareness color for that is teal. Since PCOS is one of the leading causes of female-factor infertility, I thought teal might be a wise choice for raising awareness. Besides, on this journey there are times when, quite frankly, the last thing I want to see are baby-related things - including the colors "baby boy blue" and "baby girl pink. 

If you ever have any questions, I want you to feel free to comment on a post. You can also email me directly at FindingMyFertility @ gmail (dot) com . I would love to hear from you! 

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The Only Rule : Be kind.

We're each on our own journeys through life, and there is already enough negativity in this world. This little space on the web is meant to be warm, welcoming and friendly. I will take measures to govern the comments if things seem to be getting out of hand. If you follow The Only Rule, we'll all get along just fine :)