Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back Story : 2010 to the Present

So let's catch up, shall we? In June 2009, I lost my job and my health insurance. In November 2009, we moved back to the town I grew up in and regained health insurance. Up through this point, I was not taking any meds to control my PCOS or prevent pregnancy. I was (carelessly?) cavalier about the whole thing - if it happened, it happened, but I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen.

Moving back to this area after 7 years away meant finding all new doctors. Coincidentally, during this time period one of my Facebook friends (let's call her Ms. Hepburn), someone I've known since elementary school, "liked" a page or group relating to PCOS. I saw that and sent her a message. Despite the fact that we hadn't been all that close recently, I figured it was worth a shot. I explained that I saw her update and was wondering if she had PCOS, too. I also mentioned that I was looking for a gyno. Ms. Hepburn gave me the name of Dr. M and said that it was Dr. M who diagnosed her, that she was a great doctor, great personality, etc.

In the fall of 2010 I made an appointment to get an annual exam and get on the patient roster for Dr. M. We were finally ready to start our family, so that was a topic of conversation as well. Dr. M was familiar with Metformin as treatment for PCOS and gladly gave me a prescription for 1000mg per day. We settled on that dose because it controls my insulin and glucose without overdoing it on the side effects. Dr. M indicated that many women are able to ovulate and successfully conceive with just the Metformin alone. I wasn't as optimistic as she was, but she wanted to give it a full year to see how it would regulate my cycles.

It turned out that the Met brought about visits from AF about once every 60 days - so twice the "normal" cycle length. At my annual exam in November 2011, Dr. M indicated that she was OK with that cycle time ... but I wasn't. She had mentioned in 2010 that the next step after Met would be Clomid, a prescription drug that induces ovulation. So I brought up the Clomid at this visit in 2011. She was totally on board with prescribing it for me. I had some other medical issues (unrelated to my fertility) to clear up, so I waited before starting the Clomid.

Clomid Cycle #1 began at the very end of December 2011.... and you know what? I think this is a good place to take a break. These posts have gotten pretty darn long, so what do you say we maybe give each Clomid cycle it's own posting? Sound good to you? Great. Until next time, then.......

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The Only Rule : Be kind.

We're each on our own journeys through life, and there is already enough negativity in this world. This little space on the web is meant to be warm, welcoming and friendly. I will take measures to govern the comments if things seem to be getting out of hand. If you follow The Only Rule, we'll all get along just fine :)